One of the biggest events in the sport called Street Workout in the Czech Republic. The event is public. Registration for participants is €19. The entry fee includes refreshments and food for the athlete (fruits, vegetables, chicken and side dish), T-shirt from the event, supplementation in the form of a BCAA, protein, protein bars, mineral water. The entry fee must be paid by 6th of September 2020. Send the amount to the account 2901530550/2010 and write the name of the athlete in the message for the recipient or use the registration form.
Freestyle is divided into weight categories: women, and men and children.
Date and Time
The competition will be on the September, 12th 2020 at 12PM (12:00 CET)
The venue for battle is situated on compound of the lake Kamencové jezero area (beach area). There is refreshment and toilets. Accommodation preferable options are hotels Hotel Arena and Hotel Hřebíkárna.
Why should you come?
The best of what the Czech and European workout has to offer
Beautiful venue at beach
Professional technical basement, sound system and presenter.
Experienced jury
Lots of valuable prices
Parking is available directly next to the venue area between Kamencové jezero and Vodní nádrž Otvice
Once an athlete is chosen she/he is entitled to participate at a WSWCF ACADEMY SW World Cup 2020, stage Chomutov – STREET HARD WORKOUT BATTLE 2020 competition she/he has registered for.
If an athlete is selected and is not responding or cancels the plan afterwards, she/he is blocked for the next STREET HARD WORKOUT BATTLE competition. Clauses are listed below and must be proven by doctors or responsible authorities:
Heavy injury or health issue
Death or severe health issue of a relative
Withdrawal to military service
Government ban on the gathering of persons, the situation of COVID-19
Male and female athletes compete in separate competitions.
2.1. It is logical that there has to be a limit for the number of Participants participating in each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, because the Organizers have to be able to organize the event during the time when viewers still have continuous interest in the competition.
2.2. That is why the optimal number of Participants in each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is sixteen (16).
2.3. The maximum number of Participants allowed to participate in each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is twenty-five (25).
3.1. Athletes from all around the world are allowed to apply and participate in any Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020. The Applicants must have legal rights to travel and enter the organizing country.
3.2. To maintain interest of local viewers about the event, the Organizers of each Stage can gather local athletes – 30% or more of the total number of Participants.
3.3. A Stage can be recognized as a valid Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, if the number of local athletes participating is not more than 80% of the total number of Participants in the Stage.
3.4. Local athletes, participating in a Stage, must be chosen objectively by the Organizer of the Stage; the choice must not be based on personal interests, favours or any other privileges. The athletes should be chosen based on the previous achievements and championship results, which will guarantee that the strongest athletes will participate.
3.5. The Applicants without any previous experience in street workout competitions have a chance to apply by participating in a video contest:
3.5.1. To apply each Applicant has to send a two (2) minutes long video to the Federation’s e-mail address: The Federation will promptly forward the application video to the right Organizer.
3.5.2. The number of Participants that can be selected with the video contest for a Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is not limited (except if stated otherwise in Clause 2.3. above).
3.5.3. The Participants will be chosen depending on the quality of their performance in the submitted videos, which will give an opportunity for young, highly talented, but inexperienced athletes to show their abilities in the international arena.
3.5.4. The selected Participants have to cover their own travel and living costs.
3.6. Other international Participants for each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 will be carefully chosen by the particular Organizer with the help of the Federation if needed.
3.7. Participants will be chosen largely based on their popularity and achievements; athletes with previous achievements in street workout, as well as those able to financially cover their travel, living and other costs (with personal or sponsor’s / supporter’s funding) will be preferred.
4.1. Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is organized with limited financial resources and so the travel, accommodation and other costs for Participants will not be covered. Considering that, to attract future financial supporters, each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 must be superb and luxurious in terms of athletes’ performance and only the best athletes from around the world may participate.
4.2. The Organizers and the Federation will not reply to any letters or applications, if they do not contain properly made application videos.
4.3. The selection of Participants by evaluating the application videos in each Stage of Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is not only for selecting Participants, but also giving a chance for young athletes to show what they can do. These Applicants must be strong athletes with serious attitude towards street workout sport and have enough financial resources to cover their personal participation costs.
4.4. These requirements must be followed very precisely:
4.4.1. Application video must be two (2) minutes long.
4.4.2. The video must include static elements, dynamic elements and combinations of elements.
4.4.3. The video must be filmed in one piece and must show continuous performance of the Applicant. It is forbidden to edit the video and/or put together several pieces of video.
4.4.4. The video must be named: “Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2020 Try-out”.
4.4.5. These links of the Federation’s social accounts must be in the video’s description (comments):
Facebook page:
Youtube channel:
Instagram page: @wswcf #wswcf
4.5. Videos, which will not fit the requirements in Clause 4.4.4., will not be evaluated.
4.6. Following all the application video requirements does not mean that the Applicant will participate in any of the Stages of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020. The Organizers will evaluate each video application, but the final decisions will be made by the Organizers, considering their financial resources.
5.1. Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 is organized with limited financial resources and so each Participant, who has covered all his personal participation costs, has the right to participate in the competition wearing personalized sponsor’s / supporter’s attributes (T-shirts, caps, trousers, etc.); but, it is forbidden to advertise alcohol, tobacco or gambling businesses.
5.2. Stage organizer is not covering any travel expenses to the Participants in any of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 stages and is not covering Stage winners travel to Super Final. But it’s allowed for Stage organizer to find a sponsors willing to cover Stage winners travel to Super Final. Stage organizer will provide information of the amount of money that will be used as the travel support prize for the winner in case if Stage organizer has a sponsor for the Stage winners travel to Super Final. Travel support prize money can be used only to partly or fully cover the travel expenses of the Stage winner to the Super Final. If the amount of money is not enough to fully cover the Stage winners travel expenses, Stage winner must add his personal or his personal sponsors’ money to the amount needed for the traveling, within 15 days transferring this additional money to the Stage organizer, who purchases the necessary tickets. If the additional money for the travel is not transferred to the Stage organizer’s account within 15 days, the same rights pass on to the participant, who has the next best results in the final result’s list of the particular Stage. It’s forbidden to request a Stage organizer to transfer travel support money to a Stage winner. Stage winner must search for the cheapest and most convenient travel solution for him and must send it to the Stage organizer. Stage winner’s travel support money can be used only for the travel ticket to the Super Final and only the Stage organizer can purchase this ticket to the Super final. This way Stage organizer ensures that Stage winner’s prize is used for the purpose of traveling to the Super Final. It’s obligatory to arrange insurance for travel tickets, so that, in case a Stage winner for some serious reason (accepted by insurance company) cannot go to the Super Final, both of the parties don’t lose the money invested in the tickets.
5.3. The Participants, who are sponsored / supported by the Stage Organizer, must participate in the competition wearing T-shirts with logos and advertisements provided by the Organizer for 80% and more of the time, while performing on the stage. The T-shirt can be removed to show the Participant’s body to the viewers, but it is forbidden to wear any other branded attributes or other T-shirts, or place logos or advertisements on the body. In the competition place, while not performing, the Participants can wear any clothing they think comfortable, but without any logos or advertisements (except for logos of the Participant’s team). The rules in this Clause have to be followed if no different instructions are given to the Participants by the Organizer of the Stage.
5.4. If a Participant has received travel support from an organisation(s) and did not go to a Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stage or the Super Final, the Participant has to fully refund the lost travel costs in one month’s time or the Participant will be disqualified from competitions for five (5) years.
5.5. All Participants traveling to Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stages or the Super Final have got to have enough money with them to return back home, if they have been late for the flight or a serious situation happens. Or there has to be a person back home who can help the Participant solve the problem without interrupting the work of the Organizers. Federation and other Organizers are not responsible in such cases.
6.1. Each Participant must have a valid health insurance (covered personally or financed by a sponsor / supporter, etc.).
6.2. Each Participant must take full responsibility for his health and is personally responsible for his actions and their possible consequences during competition and free time.
6.3. If a Participant qualifies for participation in the Super Final, but for any personal reason is unable to go to the Super Final, his participation will be cancelled and, if possible, the right to participate will be offered to the next Participant in the reserve list which is mentioned in the Clause 10.2. If the Participant knows that he will not get to the competition (for planned or unplanned reasons), the Participant must contact the Federation, the Organizer of the Stage that the Participant qualified from and the Organizer of the Super Final as soon as possible.
6.4. Participants who are under the age of 18 must be able to travel alone without an adult companion.
6.5. The Participants must have at least basic knowledge of English to communicate with the Organizers.
6.6. To participate in any of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stages, Applicants have to have a valid international travel passport that they have to show when registering for the competitions.
7.1. Each Participant in a Stage is normally given one (1) qualification round to show his best performance.
7.2. The order of the Participants will be selected by lottery before each Stage of Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 by the Organizer of that Stage and must be revealed on the competition day one (1) hour or more before the beginning of the competition.
7.2.1. The maximum performance time for each Participant in the qualification round is three (3) minutes. Once participant steps on the stage, he is given 30 seconds to start his performance. Performance can be started also quicker, showing a “thumb up” to DJ. Round time will be counted immediately after 30 seconds spent on the stage, or from the song start after the “thumb up” signal.
7.2.2. After the first round, the best ten (10) athletes, who had the highest score, go to the second round.
7.3. The second round is a “1 vs 1 battle” round. The Participant with the highest score in the first round competes for six (6) minutes with the Participant with the lowest score in the first round. Five pairs – 1st vs 10th, 2nd vs 9th, 3rd vs 8th, 4th vs 7th and 5th vs 6th.
7.3.1. The maximum performance time for each Participant in the second (1 vs 1) round is three (3) minutes. These three minutes are divided in two one and half (1.5) minute performances by each Participant. One by one, each of the two Participants perform two times with one and half (1.5) minutes long performances, replacing each other.
7.3.2. Participant with the higher result in the qualification round chooses who starts the second (1 vs 1) round.
7.3.3. When Participants are switching places after a performance, then (10) seconds can be used to prepare or hype up the crowd.
7.4. The third round is the final “group battle” round of the competition were all five (5) winners of the second round have to perform on the stage together. Each Participant will have three (3) performances, which each will be for one (1) minute long, to show the best performance. All five Participants perform one after another (5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st), each using the 1 minute and allowing the next Participant to perform. The third round is finished after fifteen (15) minutes.
7.4.1. Participants’ performance order depends on the previous round. The first Participant is the best of the first “1 vs 1” battle round pair, the second Participant is the best of the second “1 vs 1” battle round pair, the third Participant is the best of the third “1 vs 1” battle round pair, the fourth Participant is the best of the fourth “1 vs 1” battle round pair and, finally, the fifth Participant is the best of the fifth “1 vs 1” battle round pair.
7.4.2. When Participants are switching places after a performance, then (10) seconds can be used to prepare or hype up the crowd.
7.5. Each Participant can perform with his own music in the first and (if qualified). The music must be sent to the special e-mail address given by the Organizer of the Stage. ONLY ALLOWED MUSIC FORMAT IS MP3. The music must be sent to the Organizer seven (7) or more days before the competition so the DJ has time to prepare a playlist. The application of the music sent by e-mail must have the name of the song, the name of the artist, the name of the album, the album’s publication year and the publisher, the order number of the song in the album. No music will be accepted at the competition place. The Participants who will not have sent their own music will perform with the music chosen by the DJ. It’s not allowed to ask DJ to start music for participant set later then the song starts. MP3 file must be cut and edit to fit the performance of the athlete from the first second of beginning of the song.
7.6. DJ will choose the music for the third round.
7.7. The Participants can perform any street workout elements to amaze the viewers and to get more points for the performance.
7.8. During a performance each Participant is allowed to use gloves and starting from 2014 athlete can’t use gymnastic rings in any of WSWCF competition.
7.9. Starting from 2019, the Participants CANNOT use any help of another Participant or any third-party person when performing any elements on the stage. Animals are not allowed on the stage or competition area. No camera men, other than Organizer’s camera men, can be on the stage during the performance to film the Participant. If any of the aforesaid rules are broken, Participant will receive a penalty, i.e. subtraction of half of the points given by each judge.
7.10. It is forbidden to perform insulting or offensive actions or use insulting or offensive gestures and attributes towards other Participants, judges or viewers. It is forbidden to perform elements which have high risk of serious injury or death of the Participant or other persons.
7.11. Any kind of national or racial hatred is categorically forbidden.
7.12. Dress-code. Street workout sport is different from classical or sports gymnastics and so the Participants must show not only a good performance, but also a good choice of clothing and footwear. The requirements for the clothing and footwear:
7.12.1. Participants must wear closed-toe shoes. Gymnastic shoes are not allowed.
7.12.2. Participants must wear long trousers or shorts that are not shorter than 5 cm above the knees. Jogging shorts or gymnastic shorts are not allowed.
7.12.3 Tight-fitting gymnastics shorts are not allowed.
7.12.4. The Participants are allowed to use special costumes that fit the theme of their performance to make it more attractive (e.g. James Bond, Batman, Zorro, etc.).
7.12.5. Any tight-fitting gymnastic suits are not allowed.
7.13. In any Stage and during any round of a competition, any of the winners or Participants can be asked to take a doping test according to the international regulations and requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). By participating in a Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, the Participants permanently agree to take anti-doping tests when asked.
7.14. If the results of an anti-doping test are positive, the guilty Participant will be banned from participating in official street workout events for two (2) years.
8.1. In each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, there have to be four (4) judges.
8.2. A judge must have high moral standards, must be objective when making decisions and must have no conflicts of interest. Judges should not belong to any street workout team or organization participating in the competition to avoid non-objective judging in favour of a team / organization.
8.3. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd judge(s), mentioned in Clauses 8.8.1., 8.8.2 and 8.8.3. must be well recognized and respected individuals in the street workout community, who have helped to organize or develop the street workout sport in their countries or internationally. The judges must be selected according to their real and confirmable work (that is a judge is working with youth, leading or helping a street workout movement) and not only by their public image created by themselves in the social networks.
8.4. The 4th judge(s), mentioned in Clause 8.6.4., must be clearly informed that the event is an international competition and that the judge cannot judge subjectively in favour of the local athletes from judge’s side, except if the athletes are objectively better than the foreign athletes participating in the competition.
8.4.1. The 4th judge judges only in the first (1st) round of competitions, because in the first round the style and acting matters more, because the athletes have prepared the performance before the competitions. The 4th judge can give the same amount of points as other judges, because style is equally important in the first round of competitions.
8.5. Judges cannot participate in the competition or help in a Participant’s performance.
8.6. In the first (1st) and the third (3rd) round, each judge will evaluate the performance of a Participant by giving a mark from “0” to “10” points (Participant with more points will have performed better).
8.7. In the second (2nd) round (battle round), each judge will evaluate the performance of both Participants by giving the mark of “1” point only to one of them.
8.8. Each judge will be responsible for evaluating only one (1) part of the Participant’s performance:
8.8.1. Static elements’ judge. The first (1st) judge will give marks from “0” to “10” points in the first and the third round only for the static elements. In the second round after the Participants No. 1 or No. 2 have ended performing the judge must give the mark of “1” point only to one of the Participants and only for the static elements. If a Participant does not perform any static elements in any of the rounds, the judge must give the performance the mark of “0” points. This judge must be known as an expert in static elements, knowing all details and difficulties. In the first and the third round, the static elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “3” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only one (1) perfect static move. In the first and the third round the static elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “6” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only two (2) perfect static moves. In the first and the third round the static elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “10” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown at least three (3) perfect static moves.
Static elements are holds (not less than 3 seconds) and slow-motion power and strength moves, for example, planche, human flag, front lever, back lever, slow muscle-up, etc.
8.8.2. Dynamic elements’ judge. The second (2nd) judge. This category is divided in two sub categories: (1) dynamic strength and (2) dynamic acrobatics. The second judge will give marks from “0” to “10” points in the first and the third round only for dynamic elements. In the second round after the Participants No. 1 or No. 2 have ended performing the judge must give the mark of “1” point only to one of the Participants and only for the dynamic elements. If a Participant does not perform any dynamic elements in any of the rounds, the judge must give the performance the mark of “0” points. This judge must be known as an expert in dynamic elements, knowing all details and difficulties. In the first and the third round, the dynamic elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “5” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only dynamic strength moves. In the first and the third round, the dynamic elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “5” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only dynamic acrobatic moves. In the first and the third round, the dynamic elements’ judge may give a mark of up to “10” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown dynamic strength and dynamic acrobatic moves.
Dynamic strength elements are muscle-ups, one arm pull-ups, handstand push-ups, etc.
Dynamic acrobatic elements are all spins, flips and other elements which mainly need momentum.
8.8.3. Move combinations’ judge. The third (3rd) judge will give marks from “0” to “10” points in the first and the third round only for combination of moves and elements. In the second round after the Participants No. 1 or No. 2 have ended performing the judge must give the mark of “1” point only to one of the Participants and only for the combination of moves and elements. If a Participant does not perform any combination of moves and elements in any of the rounds, the judge must give the performance the mark of “0” points. This judge has to be known as an expert in combinations or experienced in judging street workout freestyle events. Starting from 2019, Combination judge is required to give higher marks for clean mixed combinations that last longer than separated mixed combinations. In the first and the third round, the combinations’ judge may give a mark of up to “3” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only static move combinations. In the first and the third round, the combinations’ judge may give a mark of up to “3” points maximum if the Participant in one round has shown only dynamic move combinations. In the first and the third round, the combinations’ judge may give a mark of up to “10” points maximum if the Participant within one round has shown at least two (2) mixed static and dynamic move combinations. Mixed combination is only accepted, if two (2) or more dynamic and two (2) or more static elements are performed within one combination.
Move combination is the flow of the Participant switching from one element to another element, without getting off the bars or stopping the routine on the floor. Move combinations’ judge must not evaluate individual static or dynamic moves and elements and their quality.
8.8.4. Style judge. The fourth (4th) judge will give marks from “0” to “5’’ points in the first round only. 5 points are divided in two categories. Maximum 2.5 points for work with audience and maximum 2.5 points on how participant is using chosen music to connect with participant’s performance. If the Participant shows no work with audience and no connection of his performance to chosen music, the judge must give the performance the mark of “0” points. This judge can be selected from outside the street workout sport, for example, famous local actors, musicians, sportsmen, etc. This judge will represent the interests of the part of the public that does not know much about the street workout moves and elements and their difficulty. Style judge is only judging in the first (1st) round of competitions, because in the first round the style and acting matters more, because the athletes have prepared the performance before the competitions. The 4th judge can give the same amount of points as other judges, because style is equally important in the first round of competitions.
8.9. Each judge in the first and the third round must use all of the marks (points) according to what is mentioned in the regulations below. All of the marks: “0”; “0.5”; “1”; “1.5”; “2”; “2.5”, etc. points.
8.10. If a Participant in the first and the third round has performed only good quality static elements, but has not performed any dynamic elements or combinations of moves and elements, then the Participant may get a mark of up to “10” points maximum only from the static elements’ judge. The other two judges must give the mark of “0” points.
8.11. If a Participant in the first and the third round has performed only good quality dynamic elements, but has not performed any static elements or combinations of moves and elements, then he may get a mark of up to “10” points maximum only from the dynamic elements’ judge. The other two judges must give the mark of “0” points.
8.12. If a Participant in the first and the third round has performed good quality static and dynamic elements, but has not performed any combinations of moves and elements, he may get a mark of up to “10” points maximum from both the static and dynamic elements’ judges. The move combinations’ judge must give the mark of “0” points.
8.13. If a Participant in the first and the third round has performed only good quality static elements and combinations of moves and elements, but has not performed any dynamic elements, then he may get a mark of up to “10” points maximum from both the static elements’ and move combinations’ judges. The dynamic elements’ judge must give the mark of “0” points.
8.14. If a Participant in the first and the third round has performed only good quality dynamic elements and combinations of moves and elements, but has not performed any static elements, then he may get a mark of up to “10” points maximum from both the dynamic elements’ and move combinations’ judges. The static elements’ judge must give the mark of “0” points.
8.15. Neither the 1st, 2nd, nor the 3rd judge(s) can give the maximum mark (“5” points) for a Participant’s performance in the first and the third round, if the Participant in that round has had a failure (also known as “mistake”).
8.15.1. The Participant can get the maximum mark of “9” points from each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd judge(s), if in his performance in one of the rounds the Participant had one (1) failure.
8.15.2. The Participant can only get the maximum mark of “8” points from each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd judge(s), if in his performance in one of the rounds the Participant had two (2) or more failures.
Only falling from the bars with both hands or partly falling from the bars, with one hand still attached to the bar, will be considered as failure. All other failures, except those that were mentioned before, are considered as “bad form” of elements and have to be considered by the judge of the particular category and will no longer be defined as failures.
8.16. Neither the 1st, 2nd, nor the 3rd judge(s) may give the maximum mark (“10” points) for a Participant’s performance in the first and the third round, if in one of those rounds the Participant has repeated an element.
8.16.1. The Participant can obtain the maximum mark of “9” points from each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd judge(s), if during his performance in a particular round he has repeated an element only one (1) time.
8.16.2. The Participant can only obtain the maximum mark of “8” points from each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd judge(s), if during his performance in a particular round he has repeated an element(s) for two (2) or more times.
Points for elements will not be reduced, if the elements are done in combination and they are combined in a completely different routine as only 1 element out of minimum of 3 elements.
8.17. If a Participant does not follow the requirements in Clause 7. of these Regulations, the Participant will get the mark of “0” points from all judges in that round.
8.18. The judges cannot give final marks for the first round before the last Participant has finished his performance (that is before the judges have seen the performances of all Participants in the first round). The judges must write notes during the first round, but can give the final marks only after the first round is completed. This way the evaluation and marks will be more accurate and objective. It is not the same with the second round.
8.19. Each judge will give marks to Participants in the first round and then the marks will be summed up. At the end of the first round, ten (10) athletes with the highest sums of points will qualify for the second round (battle round).
8.20. Each judge will give marks to Participants in the first round and then the marks will be summed up. At the end of each battle in the second round, the athlete with the highest sum of points from each Participant pair will qualify for the third round.
8.21. Points that were received in the first and second round do not mean anything in the final round. The first and the second round are just qualification rounds for the final round and do not mean anything in the final round. The winners of a final round are the ones with the highest score of the best five (5) athletes; other Participants’ results are: “Did not qualify for the final”.
8.22. Before a competition, each judge will be given judging sheets which will have everything that is needed to help in the judges’ work. The necessary amount of the judging sheets will be prepared by the Federation and given to the Organizers, while preparing for a Stage.
8.23. Before a competition, all the judges must get read the regulations of the competition and must confirm their agreement to the regulations with their signature.
8.24. In case of identical scores (equal sum of points received by two or more Participants) the judges will together democratically decide the winner by giving constructive arguments.
8.25. All the marks given by the judges have to be published immediately after the results are ready.
9.1. Complaints will be accepted only if there is suspicion of dishonest (too high) evaluation, by the 1st, 2nd or 3rd judge giving advantage to the Participants who did not show their best performance. Complaints about too low evaluations will not be accepted because a judge has the right to give low marks for, in his opinion, a performance which is not good enough.
9.2. The complaints must be sent in a written format to the special representative of the Federation no later than one (1) hour after the competition results are revealed.
9.3. The complaints will be reviewed, if there will be three (3) or more complaints given by three (3) or more different Participants about the same judge. By looking through the videos of the performances of the Participants, it will be determined if the complaints are valid.
9.4. If evidence is found for the complaint that a judge has subjectively given a higher mark to a Participant but not to others, the judge will be forbidden to judge in official street workout competitions organized by the Federation for two (2) years.
9.5. If the complaint about the 1st, 2nd or 3rd judge(s) reveals a violation of these Regulations, the results of the competition will not be changed, only the judge will be forbidden from judging in competitions. This will protect the judges and Organizers from false accusations.
9.6. If the complaint about the 4th judge reveals a violation of these Regulations, the points given to the Participant by the judge will be erased.
10.1. In each Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 the best three (3) Participants, who have obtained the highest scores from the judges, will automatically get the right to participate in the Super Final. The travel costs of the winner must be fully covered by Participants personally or their sponsors. In special cases, travel costs can also be fully or partly covered by Stage Organizer as it is mentioned in Clause 5.2.
10.2. In each Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stage, the Participants who got the forth (4th), or further place will be on the reserve list and may get the right to participate in the Super Final if any of the selected Participants (or Participants in the reserve list before the particular candidate) lose the right to participate as it is mentioned in the Clause 6.3.
10.3. The Participant who has qualified for the Super Final can legally participate in the Super Final only after signing the Participation Contract with the Federation.
11.1. Depending on the Stage, there can be a Viewers’ Choice Award (possibly named after the local general sponsor of the Stage):
11.1.1. The format of the Viewers’ Choice Award will be made by each Organizer of a Stage of the Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2020 with their own insights and resources.
11.1.2. The Viewers’ Choice Award will be given to the Participant who gets the most viewers’ votes or receives the loudest ovations from the viewers, which will be measured with a special sound level meter.
11.1.3. The Viewers’ Choice Award will not change the judges’ evaluations and it will not give the Participants the right to participate in the Super Final.
11.1.4. The Viewers’ Choice Award gives a Participant a title that can be used in the future career (The Winner of the Viewers’ Choice Award of the Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup stage 2020).
12.1. Depending on the Stage, there can be a “Best Trick Contest” (possibly named after the local general sponsor of the particular Stage):
12.1.1. The format of the “Best Trick Contest” will be made by each Organizer of a Stage of the Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2020 with their own insights and resources.
12.1.2. The Award of “Best Trick Contest” will be given to the Participant who gets the loudest ovations from the viewers, which will be measured with a special sound level meter, for a move combination of 30 seconds maximum.
12.1.3. The “Best Trick Contest” Award will not change the judges’ evaluations and it will not give the Participants the right to participate in the Super Final.
12.1.4. The “Best Trick Contest” Award gives a Participant a title that can be used in the future career (The Winner of the “Best Trick Contest” Award of the Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup stage 2020).
13.1. The best three (3) Participants of the Street Workout Freestyle World Championship 2020 in Moscow will get the right to participate in the Super Final.
13.2. The travel costs to the Super Final for the winners of the Street Workout Freestyle World Championship 2020 in Moscow have to covered by winners or their sponsors.
13.3. If it turns out that any of the top three (3) winners of the Street Workout Freestyle World Championship 2020 has already got the right to participate in the Super Final from any of the previous Stages of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, then the right to participate in the Super Final goes on to the Participant(s) with the next highest score (4th, 5th, 6th, etc.). If any of the best three (3) Participants of the Street Workout Freestyle World Championship 2020 gets the 1st or 2nd place in any other Stage of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020, which gives the right to participate in the Super Final, then the right to participate in the Super Final is given to the next Participant with the highest score of that Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stage.
13.4. The competition rules of the World Championship are different from the competition rules in these Regulations.
14.1. The best five (5) Participants of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Online Stage will get the right to participate in the Super Final.
14.1.1. Participants cannot compete in Online Stage if a country where they live in has a Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Stage.
14.2. The travel costs to the Super Final for the winners of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Online Stage have to covered by winners or their sponsors.
14.3. These requirements of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Online Stage must be followed very precisely:
14.3.1. Participation video must be three (3) minutes long and must be sent to WSWCF coordinator’s Toms Gelzis E-mail address: from August till September 30th.
14.3.2. After receiving your Participation video, you will receive an invoice for 30 EUR Participation fee that will be used to cover coordination and judging expenses.
14.3.3. The video must include static elements, dynamic elements and combinations of elements.
14.3.4. The video must be filmed in one piece and must show continuous performance of the Applicant. It is forbidden to edit the video and/or put together several pieces of video.
14.3.5. The video must be named: “Kenguru Pro Street Workout World Cup 2020 Online Stage Participation Video”.
14.3.6. These links of the Federation’s social accounts must be in the video’s description (comments):
Facebook page:
Youtube channel:
Instagram page: @wswcf #wswcf
14.4. Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Online Stage judging will be done by most experienced WSWCF judges and results will be published on October 15.
14.5. The competition rules of the Kenguru Pro World Cup 2020 Online Stage are the same as rules for the first round competitions rules in these Regulations.
ii specific terms OF Street Workout World Cup 2020 Super Final
Bitva mistrů a 38 hodinová cesta za vítězstvím Vitalie Pavlenka!

“Bitva mistrů – soutěž byla nabitá výraznými osobnostmi a to například Vadym Oleynik z Ukrajiny, LaTwist z Německa, Antoine Lacotte a Léa Depagneux z Francie, Viktor Fedorov a Tatyana Chumakova alias Hefesto Girl, oba z Ruska, a chybět nemohl ani Šimon Forrai ze Slovenska a dále Vitaly Pavlenko, mistra Ukrajiny, Sahann z francouzského města Nice a týmu Strength Beyond Limits, Tamás Magda z Maďarska, vicemistr světa z roku 2017, ženskou soutěž obohatila Adrienn Vachter, taktéž z Maďarska. Mezi nejvýraznější české účastníky patřili Patrik Černý, mistr ČR z roku 2018, soutěžící ve váhové kategorii do 75 kg, a Jan Holinec, mistr ČR v kategorii nad 85 kg”
“Největší událost svého druhu v České Republice přilákala nejen domácí borce, ale i ze zahraničí. Mezi kapkami deště předváděli své umění vedle českých workouterů také jejich kolegové ze Slovenska a Německa.”